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CWU "Sun Smart-Skin Safe" Campaign 2015 – Dave Joyce Reports

CWU’s National Health, Safety & Environment OfficerDave Joyce advices all CWU members working outdoors to “Look after your skin and stay safe in the sun as the UK enters a Heatwave.”

Here he reports on the current temperatures now rising in the UK and provides advice. He alsorefers to the sun safe campaign that the union and Royal Mail are running:

The UK is facing a prolonged heatwave period and the hottest summer months of 2015. This brings with it health fears as the heatwave is forecast to send temperatures soaring into the 30s with 33C (91F) expected this week, triggering a health alert.

The Met Office said there was an “80% probability” of heatwave conditions between noon on Tuesday and 6am on Thursday in parts of England. Temperatures will be similar to those in Rome and Florida, and higher than in Rio de Janeiro.

The forecast has triggered a “level 2” alert, with the Met Office warning that Heatwaves can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old, or those with chronic disease and certain health conditions.

Temperatures are expected to build on Tuesday and into Wednesday, with the hottest day of the year so far expected on successive days this working week. Wednesday is likely to be the hottest day of the year so far, with temperatures soaring to 33C (91F). The Met Office said temperatures will drop again on Thursday when severe thunderstorms are likely to hit central and western parts of the country, before climbing again before the weekend.

The Health, Safety & Environment Department is taking the opportunity to warn members about the risks associated with hot weather, dehydration, sun stroke and Skin Cancer through sunlight/UV ray exposure.

Dangers of UV rays

The short-term risks of sun exposure are sunburn and sunstroke

The longer-term risks (over decades) include:

Here is some important advice regarding firstly following the 5 S's and secondly the message "early detection saves lives so act quickly and seek advice".

The FIVE S's of Sun Safety

The main cause of skin cancer is exposure to sunlight or sunbeds. Remember, it is not just sunbathing that puts people at risk, but just being in the sun without adequate protection. If you're an outdoor worker and/or take part in outdoor hobbies, activities or sport you will be at greater risk.

Pic: Enjoy the sun - click to download document from e-librarySunburn increases the risk of Skin Cancer and a Sun Tan isn't healthy! It indicates that the skin has been damaged! And that damage stays there increasing the person's risk of skin cancer.

To keep safe and make sure you NEVER BURN you should follow the 5 S's of Sun Safety:-

  • SHOULDERS - COVER UP - The Royal Mail Clothing Fabrics are 'UV protective' so always try and keep your shoulders and body covered up.

  • SUNHAT - Always wear a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears - Royal Mail provide these as part of the Uniform so order one and use it.

  • SUNSCREEN Apply a good quality SPF 30+/ min 3 star rating sunscreen with broad spectrum UVA protection, to exposed areas of skin - making sure you use enough and reapply every 2 hours.

  • SUNGLASSES Wear wrap-around sunglasses with UV protection to give your eyes adequate protection from the sun's rays.

  • SHADE Always seek shade whenever you can, particularly during the hottest time of the day between 11am-3pm and when you have breaks if your job keeps you out in it.

Avoid Dehydration

Be wary of dehydration - the lack of sufficient water in the body. The best way to beat dehydration is to drink before you get thirsty. If you wait until after you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Water is important to the body at all times, but especially in warm weather. It keeps the body from overheating. When you exercise or work, your muscles generate heat. To keep from burning up, your body needs to get rid of that heat.

The main way the body discards heat in warm weather is through sweat. As sweat evaporates, it cools the tissues beneath. Lots of sweating reduces the body's water level, and this loss of fluid affects normal bodily functions so you need to replace the fluid. Take Water with you when working outside and drink plenty.

Pic: CWU Be Sun SAfe - click to download from E-LibraryEarly Detection

Detecting skin cancers early save lives - FACT! Particularly in the case of Melanoma, the deadliest form of the disease.

It is important to check your skin regularly for signs of change, and consult your doctor immediately if you detect any changes particularly with moles, or if you're unsure of any unusual marks, patches, sores or spots, no matter how small they are - get the GP to check it out.

Look after your skin, stay safe in the sun! - Don't become a statistic and enjoy the sun SAFELY.

For further information about the prevention and early detection of skin cancer is available via two documents available from the E-Library Database. Click on the pics to download these specific Sun Safe advice cards which can then be printed off.

CWU "Sun Smart - Skin Safe" Safety Code Campaign Material Royal Mail/CWU/IOSH Joint Campaign

The RMG/CWU Sun Safety National Campaign was launched last month in conjunction with IOSH as part of their new "No Time to Lose - Work Cancer Campaign", Launched on the same day with Solar Radiation/Sun Safety/Skin Cancer being the first stage. New joint RMG/CWU/IOSH Sun Safety Pocket cards were distributed to all Royal Mail members and this was accompanied by a high profile Communications campaign.

For further information and campaign resouces see:

IOSH, Royal Mail, And CWU Launch Occupational And Skin Cancers Campaign

Further documentation can be downloaded on this issue from the E-Library Database here Use the key search words 'Sun Safe' leaving the 'Categories' at 'All'

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